22 May 2013

Music at school

How to use a song?
In my school, I am used to singing and dancing with children. They like to mime the actions and enjoy to learn by acting (Total Physical Response). 
Last month I prepared two of their best known songs this year because they had been regularly listening to them during beaktime, but they didn't know the meaning of  the lyrics.
Some recommendations about how to use a song:
- Play it three times at least, the first time they will be puzzled, the second, with some guide they will start to understand, at the end they will enjoy and repeat.
- Don't worry if they don't fully understand all the lyrics. Depending on the level you could translate some parts or maybe just the chorus.
- They will help you to teach vocabulary easily.
- When you use songs that can be taught through gestures, very little pre-teaching is necessary. I try to prepare some of them in advance, but you can also ask your students to invent new ones.

Here are the songs and the suggested lesson plans for them:

Good luck and, enjoy!!!
Pilar The Moon. 

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